Dear friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the seminar on “The Tensions of Migration: Obligation, Responsibility and Populism” which will be held in Budapest on 9-12 May 2018.

This five-day international seminar is the first of the five work plan events organized by the International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.

The will firstly aim at exploring the theoretical and conceptual understanding of migration flows in today’s world. This includes mapping out challenges and opportunities relevant for young actors in Europe, as well as initially identifying action plans for projects and activities that IFLRY MO-representatives and their partners can implement in their local communities throughout Europe. Secondly, through the highly interactive intercultural exchange, interpersonal and group communication the participants will attempt to assess their own backgrounds and environments, exchange practices and expand their understanding of own and other realities. And finally – the goal of this seminar is to promote cross border international exchange through the interaction, mixed working sessions and most importantly joint planning and implementation of the action plans under the umbrella of IFLRY.

The specific objectives of the study session

  • To develop a thorough understanding of the relevant key terms and discussions surrounding migration and the integration of young migrants that go beyond the immediate European refugee crisis —ranging from the conceptual analysis of the types of migration (i.e. forced, unforced, irregular, temporary etc.), the legal status of asylum seekers, and the different stages of the integration process of migrants to exogenous factors that probably hinder these processes, such as the prevalence of prejudice, nationalism, and/or populism etc.
  • To map the challenges for the different types of migrants (i.e. distinguishing alongside their legal and societal status,e.g. vulnerable groups, and motivations), members of host societies and members of net losing societies, and the different sources of these various obstacles this includes internal vs. external; and micro vs. macro, among other things
  • To devise concrete strategies to combat populism regarding migration. Due to its particular location in Budapest, we will devote some time to the concrete issue of populism—a universal challenge in all countries when it comes to migration.
  • To develop a comprehensive supportive framework for the upcoming local events and the Work Plan in general that will continuously guide the activities
  • To sketch potential areas of follow-up through the invitation of more experienced participants to this event, we will make the information/ideas gathering for future projects more effective and efficient and the flow more logical to anchor an initial stage of deliberation (regarding projects, collaboration, indication of problem fields etc.) already at this event.
  • To build capacity of the MOs through trainings with a view of further multiplication into local communities and strengthening their advocacy efforts for migration policies as part of the Civic Education.
  • To strengthen intercultural dialogue and increase multicultural competency within IFLRY

In the course of the seminar besides receiving theoretical knowledge and expertise from the team and external experts, the participants will be engaged in developing action plans to implement in their youth organizations, as well as in the project groups that may have been formed in the study session. The action plans may be short or long term and can include a variety of activities and / or advocacy efforts. The participants of the seminar are also expected to develop a set of recommendations to IFLRY on mainstreaming migration and effective solutions for the challenges from local and national politics in its Non-Formal Education activities which will also be used to carry out the ensuing events of the work plan.

Given the nature of the topic, participants with a background and keen interest in migration are highly encouraged to apply.

Below you will find further practical information. Please find here the online form through which you can apply. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

Andrea UGRINOSKA | Executive Director


Application procedure:
The deadline for applying is: 1 April 2018 (23:59 GMT).

Applicants must register through our online form by following this link.

All required fields must be filled in. IFLRY will not accept blank nominations.

For any questions, please contact the office by e-mail:

Date & Venue:
Arrival: Participants are expected to arrive on Wednesday 9 May 2018 before 18:00 local time
Departure: Participants are expected to depart Saturday 12 May 2018 at any time.Please note that full completion of the program is mandatory to qualify for a reimbursement of travel expenses. There can be no late arrivals or early departures.The venue will be announced.
This activity is implemented with the support of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. Meals and accommodation of the participants during the activity will be covered. Visa costs will be covered upon presentation of the visa copy and receipt from the embassy. 80% of travel costs will be reimbursed upon presentation of all tickets and receipts, up to 250 euros.  Participants are required to travel in the most economical manner that is reasonably possible. An official acceptance and confirmation from IFLRY office is required to start booking the tickets.

The participation fee is 50 Euros and will be deducted from the travel reimbursements.

The International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) is the global umbrella organisation of liberal youth and students organisations from all around the world. Its central mission is to globalise freedom.


The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is part of the Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation. The Department elaborates guidelines, programmes and legal instruments for the development of coherent and effective youth policies at local, national and European levels. It provides funding and educational support for international youth activities aiming at the promotion of youth citizenship, youth mobility and the value of human rights, democracy and cultural pluralism. It seeks to bring together and disseminate expertise and knowledge about the life situations, aspirations and ways of expression of young Europeans.

Language and Format
English is the working language of this study session.

The study session will be held using Non-Formal Education format and methodology. Non-Formal Education is participant-centred, action-oriented and value-based. It is instruction that is not obligatory and structured and is learned outside the context of a formal school.  IFLRY has been an ardent advocate of Non-Formal Education and is using it as a leading approach in its events and activities.

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