Herewith the Bureau presents the draft Action Plan 2016-2018. Over the next 2 years, we are looking forward to develop IFLRY further as a political player, provider of political education, facilitator of dialogue, and a platform for our member organisations to network and exchange ideas. Besides, in 2017 we will celebrate IFLRY’s 70th anniversary.

At the core of the Action Plan is the belief that IFLRY should truly function as a federation, and therefore the input by its member organisations, programme managers and regional networks is key. For input, questions and feedback please send an email to IFLRY President Pauline Kastermans ( before June 6th.

For those interested in hearing more about the Action Plan, the Bureau organises a Skype meeting on 5 June, 7:30pm CET. Please let us know whether you would be interested to join (also via

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