IFLRY will hold its 42nd General Assembly in Beirut, Lebanon from 14th until 17th of December, 2017. The General Assembly will gather Member Organisations from all over the world. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of IFLRY and will among other things deal with:

  • Statutory changes
  • Resolutions
  • Membership Applications
  • Finances, especially the budget for 2018


The event will be co-hosted by Future Youth and the Arab Youth Union for Freedom and Democracy (AUYFD) and supported by the International Democratic Institute (D66 Internationaal) and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.


For both IFLRY and AYUFD the topic of migration remains a crucial political issue. Therefore, we will organise a one-day conference on “Migration & Open Borders”. By dedicating a conference to migration and open borders in general, we would like to shift the attention from sole considerations about the refugee crisis to a more broad discussion on migration. Yet, this does not exclude the exchange of practical political solutions to the diverse problems that societies that especially the Arab World and Europe are facing in the aftermath of the Syrian Civil War.

Registration for the General Assembly + Conference can be found here.

Make sure to register before November 13th! Contact your international officer to learn about the possibilities you have for attending the event on behalf of your member organisation. We will accept applications on a rolling basis every week, so the sooner you register, the sooner you can go ahead and book tickets.

Each MO is guaranteed as many spots as they have votes. Should an MO wish to send more delegates, please let us know via statutoryevent@iflry.org as soon as possible, so we are aware. In this case, we will confirm the delegates by the deadline of November 13th. Please do not book any travel until your participation has been confirmed.

Participation fee and accommodation

The participation fee is 100 euros. This will cover accommodation for the nights of 14th,15th,16th of December, breakfast on the 15th, 16th and 17th December, lunch and dinner on the 15th and 16th December.

OBS: You have to secure your own accommodation and food if you are planning to stay extra days in Lebanon.


Unfortunately, IFLRY is not able to cover any visa costs. Remember to check if you need a visa to enter Lebanon. You can find visa information here. Please contact the IFLRY Office (office@iflry.org) in case you need a support letter.

Travel reimbursement

There will be no travel reimbursement available for the IFLRY General Assembly and Conference. However, the IFLRY Office is able to provide you with a cover/support letter, should you wish to privately fundraise your travel.

Membership applications

If your organisation is not yet a member organisation of IFLRY, but you want to attend, please send an e-mail to the IFLRY secretariat (office@iflry.org) with a description of your organisation before filling out this form. The deadline for submitting your complete application is November 23.

Deadlines & timeline overview

Timeline (all dates are 11:59 PM GMT London time, unless indicated otherwise). Also see: Statutes & Rules of Procedure

19 October
Deadline for amendments to the Rules of Procedure

2 November
Deadlines for amendments to the Statutes
Membership Fee Statute Published
Deadline for Motions to Suspend and Disaffiliate Member Organisations

13 November
Deadline for Registration
Deadline for Solidarity Fund Applications

23 November
Deadline for Membership Applications
Deadline for Manifesto amendments
Deadline for applications Reduced Membership Fees
Budget published
Financial Report published
Auditors report published

30 November
Deadline for Resolutions
Bureau Reports, Annual Report and Office Report published
Manifesto amendments published
Motions to suspend published
Deadline for applications Reduced Membership Fees
Membership applications published

7 December
Resolutions published

13 December
Deadline for Amendments to the Resolutions (24 hours before the start of the GA)
Deadline for Urgency Resolutions (before the GA begins)

All proposals by Member Organisations should be sent to the IFLRY office by e-mail: statutoryevent@iflry.org.

IFLRY Freedom Award

IFLRY’s 7th Freedom Award will be given out at the 42nd General Assembly in Beirut, Lebanon, December 14-17 2017. The award honours individuals or organisations that have shown an outstanding commitment to liberal values in the past year. Last year, the award went to Audrey Tang, Minister for digital policy making in Taiwan Nomination letters should be submitted by Member Organisations only and send to office@iflry.org before November 26.

General documents

All documents concerning the General Assembly can be found in this section. Please check back regularly for more documents being uploaded.

IFLRY General Assembly Agenda
Membership Applications
Membership Fee Statute Proposal 1
Membership Fee Statute Proposal 2
Explanation for the Membership Fee Discussion
Organisational Motion: Timeline for downgrading 2018 membership
Membership Issues
Changes to the Rules of Procedure and Statutes
Annual report
Bureau reports
Office report
Minutes from General Assembly in Thessaloniki
Auditors report
Urgency resolutions
Amendments to the Resolutions
Financial Protocol

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