This year, IFLRY will once again pay tribute to the freedom fighters of the world and award the Freedom Award 2019 at our upcoming General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa from 28November—01 December 2019.

The Freedom Award is a celebration of acts by young liberals or liberal-minded youth around the world who have done an incredible effort to enhance and promote liberal values of human rights, democracy, and inclusive, plural societies.

Some of the previous award winners have been: Audrey Tang (Taiwan), Maikel Nabil (Egypt), Vente Joven (Venezuela), 3H Movement (Turkey), the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Hungary), and pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong (Hong Kong).

For this year’s nominations, we are looking for IFLRY member organizations, civil society organizations, NGOs or individuals that:

  • fought for and promoted liberal values in a difficult regional context.
  • cooperated with other member organizations across countries to fight for the liberal cause.
  •  have successfully made a social or political change that contributed and/or enhanced liberal values in the country/region.

To submit your nominee/nomination, please send a motivation statement (max. 500 characters) to the IFLRY Bureau explaining why this organization/person shall be considered for this year’s IFLRY Freedom Award this year

The deadline for submitting nominations is Sunday the 17th of November 2019 and it needs to be sent to the IFLRY Office via mail:

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