Call for IFLRY Program Members!

Call for IFLRY Program Members!

Our programmes are a great way to explore a topic, work with it across borders, and influence IFLRY’s agenda! as well as meet like-minded liberals from all over the world! There are no requirements for former participation in IFLRY to apply. Some previous knowledge of...
Call for IFLRY Program Managers!

Call for IFLRY Program Managers!

Are you ready to join IFLRY Council and be one of the IFLRY Programme managers? We are happy to launch a call for PMs for young liberals with the desire to lead one of our programmes for the upcoming 1-year term. Our programmes are the ideal way for you to enhance...
Forced sterilisation of Uyghur women

Forced sterilisation of Uyghur women

By Kaja Ippel In 2019, the birth rate in Xinjiang dropped by 24 percent, while the worldwide birth rate had dropped by merely 4,2 percent that same year.[1] This shocking figure is a result of the cruel and inhumane campaign against Uyghur women by the Chinese...
Tiger Chairs

Tiger Chairs

Today we open the violent page of the Uyghur Genocide and explain the concept that made its way from the Medieval ages to the 21st century – tiger chairs.   China has dealt with police violence and torture for generations. Although China has been...
East Turkistan vs Xinjiang

East Turkistan vs Xinjiang

We start our first week with an explanation of the simple difference that really matters to all people who fight for the independence of Uyghurs.  The term `East Turkestan` was coined in the 19th century by Russian Turkologists to replace another term `Chinese...
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