We are now opening applications for passionate young liberals amongst our member organisations to lead one of our seven programmes for the upcoming term. Our programmes are the ideal way for you to bolster your understanding of a certain political topic of region, to interact with lots of interesting and motivated people from all around the world, and to enhance your skills in terms of organising team work and leadership.

We are considering applications for Programme Managers for the following programmes:

  • Caucasus (Bureau Buddy: Sven Gerst)
  • Climate Change (Bureau Buddy: Tone Bjørndal)

The responsibilities of the programme managers are to oversee and develop the work plan of the programme, activities and vision for the programme, be the official contact person for IFLRY on this topic and report back on progress to the Bureau. The responsibilities of each Programme Manager can be best summarized like this:

  • Official Contact Person for IFLRY on this topic/region
  • Keeping track of Programme Members and Programme Vision
  • Coordination of Programme Work (e.g. organization of events or seminars, resolutions)
  • Motivation of Programme Members (through e.g. regular Skype Calls)
  • Reporting to the Bureau

If you are interested in applying, please send a cover letter giving your motivation and previous involvement with IFLRY, alongside your CV to office@iflry.org by April 7th. Please also state a contact person in your organisation within your email.

We are very much looking forward to your application!


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