We are happy to announce that IFLRY will hold it’s 2016 Executive committee in Amman, the capital of Jordan, from the 8-11 December 2016 and welcome all our member organizations to participate!

Over five years since the Arab Spring started, IFLRY wants to join its member organizations and partners in the MENA region for its final Executive Committee. Besides addressing organizational issues, we will share best practices and there will be a conference on entrepreneurship and economic self-determination. With this event we wish to gather young liberals from all over the world to discuss solutions to the high level of youth unemployment, social innovation, starting a business and (economic) autonomy.

The Executive Committee & General Assembly
The executive committee and the General Assembly are the statutory meetings of IFLRY. They serve as IFLRY’s highest decision making bodies where every organization is represented. During the EC, each organization has one vote, whereas during the GA every organization is represented relative to size. The statutory meetings adopt resolutions, decide on membership issues, discuss changes to the statutes, finances and much more. As we will discuss membership issues and finances, there was an invitation sent by the bureau for an extraordinary GA.

The conference on Entrepreneurship and Economic Self-determination
As liberals we believe that entrepreneurship and economic self-determination are necessary tools to reach prosperity. We believe that societies thrive when individuals can follow their dreams and take care of themselves. This conference will discuss matters such as youth unemployment, social innovation, entrepreneurship and much more.

The cost of the Executive committee + Conference is €120
This includes participation of the full programme, from Thursday evening until Sunday lunch, incl. 3-nights accommodation (Thursday-Sunday), lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, dinner on Friday and Saturday. Extra nights at the hotel will be at your own expense. Please contact the office for further information.

Please check if you need a visa to enter Jordan and contact your embassy for more information. IFLRY is not able to cover visa costs.

Travel reimbursements
Unfortunately, IFLRY is  not able to cover any travel costs.

Register here!
Online form

Deadlines & timeline overview
Timeline (all dates are 11:59 PM GMT London time)
Membership applications should be sent before November 17th
Resolutions* should be sent before November 24th
Deadline to register your participation is November 17th

Technical Reader for Delegates

General documents
All documents concerning the Executive Committee can be found in this section. Please check back regularly for more documents being uploaded.

Agenda EC & GA 
Draft Programme 
Call for Extraordinary GA
Proposal Membership Fee Issues 2017 (pdf)
Membership Applications 
Membership Issues 2016
Anders Rehnberg Bureau Report
Pauline Kastermans Bureau Report
Tone Bjorndal Bureau Report
Sven Gerst Bureau Report
Ahmad Al Rachwani Bureau Report
Financial reports (pending)
Draft budget 2017 (pending)
Manifesto (no amendments received)
Statutes (as amended at the GA in Istanbul, 14-17 April 2016)
Interim Internal Audit Report of 2016
Istanbul 2016 GA Minutes
Minutes of the IFLRY Executive Committee and General Assembly in Amman 


  1. Resolution on UNHCR by Svensk Ungdom
  2. Resolution on Civil Society in Egypt by Cairo Liberal Forum
  3. Resolution on Fair Trade through Free Trade by JuLis
  4. Resolution on Palestinian Security by JD
  5. Resolution on Circular Economy by YLN 
  6. Resolution 1 by LUF
  7. Resolution on Stopping the Outsourcing of Refugees to Turkey by LUF
  8. Resolution on the freedom of speech and prisoners in Russia
  9. Position paper on Gender Equality 

*  In case a resolution is received after deadline it may be considered as an urgency resolution, this will be a matter for the EC to decide upon.

Nominations for Bureau Positions

Robert Landheer for Treasurer
Nickolas Pagonakis for Vice President
Nikolay Artemenko for Vice President

Nominations for auditors

Marit van der Pol for auditors

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