
by | May 24, 2024

Image from Abidjan featuring Africa programme

The Africa Programme is committed to empowering young liberals across Africa by addressing regional political challenges, promoting democratic values, and fostering cooperation. It achieves this through targeted training, capacity-building initiatives, and strategic collaborations with local youth organizations and political entities. By enhancing the influence and effectiveness of young liberal voices, the programme aims to shape a progressive future for Africa and create a network of empowered youth leaders. Key activities include organizing online workshops, discussions,  advocacy campaigns, and networking events to drive impactful change.

The Programme Manager is responsible for:

  • Lead the coordination and management of regional projects and events in Africa, ensuring their alignment with local needs and priorities.
  • Cultivate and nurture partnerships with African youth organizations and political entities, fostering collaboration and mutual support.
  • Devise and execute strategies specifically crafted to tackle the unique challenges and opportunities present in the African context, empowering local communities and driving positive change.
  • Organize targeted Super Sunday sessions and advocacy campaigns that resonate with African audiences, amplifying their voices and advocating for meaningful solutions.
  • Generate evidence-based policy recommendations and resolutions that address pressing concerns and issues affecting Africa, drawing upon diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Maintain open and regular communication with the IFLRY Bureau, providing detailed updates and reports on African initiatives to ensure transparency and accountability.

Apply to be manager of the program by filling out this form.
The bureau buddy is Tirza Drent

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