Work plan 2025

Well being in politics

Brain Gains & Campaign Trains: Turning tracks to wellness facts


Why are we focussing on the well being of politicians?

We are proposing this project for the work plan with a significant goal in mind: rebuilding trust through taking care of the mental well-being of politicians for a better leadership. The premise is simple – if political leaders are mentally and physically good, they’re more likely to be the kind of leaders we can trust. Essentially, good health equates to good leadership, which is pivotal for restoring faith in our systems.

What to expect from the seminar?

Mapping and Systematizing Local Experiences
Developing a Conceptual Framework of “Mental well-being for politicians”
Creating a “Mental well-being for young politicians 101”

When? Where? and How do I become part of?

Location TBC
29th May - 1st June

The team

"Political anxiety has become increasingly common among young people, and recognising that we are not alone in facing these challenges can make a real difference"

Romina Goga, IFLRY trainer

" For the past six years I have volunteered for the Liberal Youth of Sweden, and seen many of my peers suffer from fatigue. Politics can be an exhaustive environment where youth do much of the hard work for little appreciation. The topic of this seminar is often overlooked, which makes it all the more important. I am both honoured and grateful to be your trainer and I look forward to hearing about your realities and ideas!"

Tom Holtorf, IFLRY trainer

"It is an honour to be your trainer. I believe in mutual learning so can’t wait to hear your insides and perspectives on mental health in political settings. As an experienced trainer and some one who professionally works in politics, I know it is a demanding sector. Thats why I focused more on the mental health improvement of youth in these setting. Enabeling an inclusive intercultural atmosphere, setting healthy boundries and embracing instead of denouncing human emotions that in politics some times are disregarded. I believe firmly that one is at its best if you are at ease with your self! Let’s make politics a healthier space for all of us!"

Maria Olthaar, IFLRY trainer

Hania Knio

Who are we looking as a participant?

To be part of this first phase of the work plan. We will select 15 participants. All the participants for this workshop must be members of IFLRY member organizations. And they must be young politicians with an interest in mental well-being. It is especially relevant if you had some experience on the topic or if you have worked this in your member organization. If you are selected for this first phase of the work plan, you might be able to be selected for our second phase in Warsaw, Poland during the 17th to the 20th July, where you can become a trainer and implement what you learned in Stockholm! Check your availability before applying.

Is this seminar covered by IFLRY?

The accommodation, international flights and food is covered by the International Federation of Liberal Youth, thanks to the support of the Council of Europe – European Youth Foundation.  However there is a 30 euros participation fee to attend this event.

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