Climate change


The Climate Change Programme advocates for sustainable policies and practices to combat global warming and environmental degradation. By mobilizing young liberals and collaborating with environmental experts, it aims to drive significant change through education, advocacy, and practical initiatives. The programme seeks to influence global environmental policy and foster a generation of environmentally conscious leaders through projects like climate action workshops and policy advocacy. Additionally, it will help with preparations for the IFLRY delegation to COP, ensuring that young voices are effectively represented at these crucial international climate negotiations.

Also make sure to follow us on social media: Facebook and Twitter


The Programme Manager is responsible for:

  • Facilitate transparent and regular communication with the IFLRY Bureau, providing comprehensive updates and reports on climate initiatives and progress.
  • Spearhead the organization of Super Sunday sessions and advocacy campaigns specifically tailored to address climate issues, mobilizing support and raising awareness among our community.
  • Take charge of leading initiatives and campaigns aimed at combating climate change, driving impactful action and inspiring collective responsibility.
  • Foster partnerships and collaboration with environmental organizations and experts, leveraging their knowledge and resources to strengthen our climate-related projects.
  • Formulate evidence-based policy recommendations and resolutions that prioritize environmental sustainability, advocating for bold and effective measures to address climate challenges.
  • Ensure thorough preparations and seamless coordination for the IFLRY delegation to COP guaranteeing the representation of young voices and perspectives in global climate discussions.

Apply to be manager of the program by filling out this form.

The bureau buddy is Kai Pischke

Here from Cop23 in Germany

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