General Assembly, Conference & Bureau Elections

IFLRY will hold its 40th General Assembly in Thessaloniki (Greece) from 1-4 June 2017. The General Assembly will gather Member Organisations from all over the world. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of IFLRY and will among other things deal with:

  • Elections for the positions of treasurer, auditor and one Vice President.
  • Statutory changes
  • Resolutions
  • Membership Applications
  • Finances

Conference, Youth Autonomy and Economic Self-Determination will be held as well

Registration for the General Assembly + Conference can be found here.

Registration for the General Assembly + Conference + Seminar can be found here.

The fee for both types of participation will be 90 euros.

Seminar ‘Youth Autonomy and Economic Self-Determination’

This seminar offers an opportunity to youth activists, particularly those from the European neighbourhood countries to develop a further understanding of the topic, discuss different viewpoints and develop tools. The particular objectives of this seminar” can be described as follows :

  • Develop a comprehensive, modern notion of individual autonomy (that exceeds sole democratic empowerment) on a theoretical basis—giving attention to considerations about gender, minorities and specific vulnerable groups (e.g. refugees).
  • Exchange best practices for economic empowerment initiatives amongst IFLRY’s member organizations in order to map the expertise as well as the current challenges within the federation
  • Explore various real-world examples (e.g. through a site visit to young entrepreneurs or(inter)national organizations) that show the importance of economic freedom for self-realization, youth independence, and social change.Indicate, with the support from  practitioners from start-ups etc.) the misconceptions that politicians might hold when thinking about promoting commercial activity and how to overcome them.Encourage Participants to Develop Concrete Policy Proposals and Project Ideas

This seminar will have a focus on the EU neighbouring countries and for that reason we encourage applicants from the following countries: Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, The Russian Federation), the Western Balkan countries (especially Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina), as well as the MENA-region (especially Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Tunisia)

Bureau Elections

The IFLRY Bureau is encouraging all its Full Members to nominate candidates for the by-elections to the bureau. At our last statutory event in Amman, we elected a new Treasurer and one Vice President, only until the next statutory event. Therefore  all MOs have the chance to nominate people interested in becoming either IFLRY’s:

  • Treasurer 
  • Vice President or
  • Auditor

All nominations, accompanied by a Motivation Letter and a CV should be sent to no later than the 1st of May.


Unfortunately, IFLRY is not able to cover visa costs. Please check if you need a visa to enter Greece. You can find visa information here. Please contact the IFLRY Office ( in case you need a support letter.

Travel reimbursement

There will be no travel reimbursement available for those only participating in the IFLRY General Assembly and Conference. However, delegates who are also participating in the Seminar, will be eligible for a travel refund of up to 200 euros per person. 80% of participation of all events (conference, GA and seminar) is mandatory.

The IFLRY Office is able to provide you with a cover/support letter, should you wish to privately fund-raise your travel.

General Assembly volunteers

Please note that Standing Committees on Statutes, Resolutions and Finances will be opened. The IFLRY Bureau is also looking for other volunteers for the positions of General Assembly Chairs as well as Scrutineers. If you’re interested in one of these positions, please indicate this to the IFLRY Office via office and The subject of your email should be “GA volunteer” before 8 May. Please be aware that we are not able to cover costs for those representatives volunteering.

Bureau Candidates Promotion

Candidates running for the IFLRY Bureau are welcome to advertise their candidatures (for example through Social Media, web pages etc.) ahead of the Bureau elections. IFLRY will publish  candidatures for each applicant (CV, Motivation and Member Organisation nomination letter) in the ‘documents’ section below. If you have any questions contact IFLRY Office at

Deadlines & timeline overview

Timeline (all dates are 11:59 PM GMT London time)

6 th April 2016: Deadline for submission of Rules of Procedure Amendments

20 nd April 2017: Deadline for submission of Statutes Amendments, Motions to Expel MOs

1 st of May 2017Deadline for General Assembly, Conference & Seminar Registration

4 th of May 2017 Deadline for submissions of Bureau nominations and applications (submit at:

11 th of May 2017Deadline for publishing the Audit report and Financial report

11th of May 2017 Deadline for Submission of

18 th of May 2017Deadline for Resolutions proposals (submit at:

18 th of May 2017: Deadline for publishing Bureau and Office reports

Before the beginning of the GA: Deadline for submission of

  • Urgency Resolutions
  • Amendments to the Resolutions (24 hours before start of GA)

All proposals and nominations by Member Organisations should be sent to the IFLRY office by e-mail:

General documents*

All documents concerning the General Assembly can be found in this section. Please check back regularly for more documents being uploaded.

GA/Conference/Seminar Invitation
Greece GA Reader
Greece GA Agenda
Greece Seminar_Reader
Motion on Membership Framework
Membership Applications Greece GA 2017
Membership Issues
Annual report
Pauline Kastermans Bureau Report
Sven Gerst Bureau Report
Ahmad Al Rachwani Bureau Report
Nickolas Pagonakis Bureau Report
Tone Bjørndal Bureau Report
Anders Rehnberg Bureau Repor
Robert Landheer Bureau Report 
Minutes from EC and extraordinary General Assembly in Amman
Auditors report

Urgency resolutions


Nominations for Bureau Positions

Robert Landheer for Treasurer
Nickolas Pagonakis for Vice President

Nominations for Auditor 

Marit Van Der Pol for Auditor


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