IFLRY is a Federal organisation that is made up of over seventy Member Organisations from across the world.
Our highest decision-making body is the General Assembly, where all Members are invited to send delegations to a meeting that takes place at least every second year. The General Assembly decides upon the adoption of:
- Our Manifesto, the political platform for the Federation
- Our Plan of Action, the planned activity for two-years as proposed by the Bureau
- Our Policy, through the adoption of resolutions
- Our Budget, as proposed by the Bureau
The General Assembly also elects the Bureau, which consists of a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer and four Vice-Presidents. The Bureau has the responsibility for IFLRY’s day to day management and is elected every two years.
The Bureau positions are voluntary and so to support the day to day management it appoints an Executive Director who runs the IFLRY secretariat in Berlin, Germany.
Our History
Find out about how we’ve evolved over the years.
Our Values
Find out more about our values and how they’re enforced.
Our People
Find out who’s behind the day to day running of the Federation.
Our Partners
Find out more about who we work with.